mawonekedwe a acrylic vape
MDO yatsopano ikuyimira zinthu pafupifupi 100,000-pafupifupi zokometsera zonse zamadzi am'mabotolo kupatula fodya ndi menthol.
Ngakhale FDA inanena kuti yatulutsa 295 MDOs, mndandanda uli ndi mayina a 240 okha. Bungweli lati wopangayo sanatchule zokanira zomwe zidaperekedwa ndi zinthu zomwe sizili pamsika pano.
Mndandandawu umakonzedwa motsatira zilembo, ndipo tsiku lotulutsidwa la MDO likuwonetsedwa kumanja kwa dzina lililonse.
10 Days Inc. dba Pod Juice,9/14
611 Vapes dba Erie Shore Nthunzi,9/16
7 Daze LLC, 9/8
Vape Wangwiro, 9/16
AAA Strate Vape,9/10
Zonyansa LLP,9/13
Absolute Vapor Lounge LLC, 9/10
ACH Group LLC dba Bomb Bombz E-liquid,9/15
Alaska Elixirs Vape LLC, 9/8
Gulu la American Vapor, 9/1
American Vapor Inc., 9/8
Apollo Future Technology Inc., 9/10
Arc LLC, 9/7
Ashlynn Marketing Group, 9/15
Avail Vapor LLC, 9/15
Nthunzi Wodabwitsa wa Msuzi, 9/15
Axioco Corporation, 9/16
Malingaliro a kampani Baker White Inc., 9/10
Balboa, 9/7
Bang Bang Vapors LLC, 9/9
Kampani ya Beard Vape, 9/16
Bidi Vapor, 9/7
Nthawi Zazikulu, 8/30
BJC, 9/15
BMF Labs dba Bad Modder Fogger LLC ,9/10
Bogart Enterprises LLC, 9/16
Bombies Inc., 9/8
Boomtown Vapors, 9/8
Buckshot Vapors Inc., 9/1
California Grown E-Liquid ,9/15
Cassadaga Liquids, LLC, 9/15
Nthunzi Zapakati, 9/10
Cig Free Vape Shop, 9/15
CITTG dba Orgnx E Liquids,9/1
Cosmic Fog Vapors Operating Company LLC, 9/15
Creative Focus dba Red Devil Vapors, 9/7
CRFT Labs Tennessee LLC, 9/15
Mwambo Vapor Blends LLC, 9/7
Nthunzi Mwamakonda, 8/31
Madzi abwino, 9/3
Desert Vapors LLC, 9/13
DFW Vapor Holdings Inc., 9/8
Mpweya wa Daimondi,9/1
Nthunzi Wamphamvu, 9/1
Tsiku la Doomsday Gourmet, 9/7
DR Distributors LLC, 9/17
Drippers Vape Shop LLC ,9/14
Drippers Vape Shop LLC, 9/10
E-Vapor Hut LLC, 9/9
Ecig Charleston LLC, 9/15
ECS Global, 9/10
Einstein Vapes, 9/10
Ejuice Blvd LLP, 9/15
Nyumba ya Utsi wa Utsi Wamagetsi, 9/8
Element E-Liquid LLC, 9/15
Abale Akusankhika, 9/15
Chilichonse Nthunzi, 9/16
Feel Life Health Inc., 9/17
Flair Products, LLC, 9/10
Flavour Labs dba Mob Liquid Labs,9/7
Fuma International LLC, 9/16
Fuma International LLC, 9/17
FUMA Vapor, Inc., 9/10
Fumee LLC, 9/14
Fumizer LLC, 9/9
Gentlemen's Draw LLC, 9/7
Gothic Vapor, 8/31
Ma Vapes Aakulu aku America, 8/26
Gripum LLC, 9/8
Malingaliro a kampani Grove Inc., 9/15
Gundo Distro, 9/9
Heartlandvapes LLC, 9/17
Ng'ombe Yoyera ejuice,9/13
HotSpot Caf� LLC dba VV-Juice,9/8
Howard Enterprises, 9/16
Humble Juice Co., LLC,9/15
Nthunzi za Imperial, 9/1
E Juice,9/15
Inde, 9/15
J-Vapor LLC dba North Shore Vapor,8/31
Jaded Vapors LLC, 9/8
Jai Mundi, Inc. Kai's Virgin Vapor E-Liquid,9/15
JD Nova Group LLC, 8/26
JDvapour LLC, 9/8
JMJL Global, 9/8
Johnny Copper, 9/7
JT Wood Investments LLC dba Vape It,9/10
Juice Guys Distribution LLC, 9/9
Juice Roll Upz Inc., 9/8
Dziko Lankhalango, 9/15
Javapes LLC, 9/9
K&C Aitken, LLC Dba Elysian Labs,9/16
Kinghorn Holding, 9/9
Makampani a KJ, 9/9
Kloc Vapor LLC dba The Vapor Edge, 9/8
Lady Bwana Mthunzi, 9/8
Malingaliro a kampani LAS Ventures Limited
Lazaro Vintage Corporation, 9/8
LDP Designs LLC, 9/14
Kutsogoleredwa ndi Sales LLC dba White Cloud Cigarettes,9/14
Malingaliro a kampani LeCig Enterprises Inc., 9/15
Liquid Art Inc., 9/10
Liquid Nis LLC, 9/3
Matekinoloje a Lotus Vaping, 9/17
Loveli Design LLC dba Alice ku Vapeland,9/1
LXJ LLC, 9/13
Malingaliro a kampani Magellan Technology Inc., 9/8
Malicious Liquids Inc, 9/8
Marina technology LLC, 9/7
Marlin Steam Company, LLC, 9/14
Malingaliro a Matrix, 9/8
MH Global LLC dba Steamline Vape Co. LLC,9/16
Midas Vape LLC, 9/8
Midwest Vape Supply,9/1
Nthunzi Wamphamvu, 9/15
Millennial One Inc. dba The Finest E-Liquid ,9/2
Bambo-E-Liquid LLC,9/16
Mix Masters Inc., 9/10
MJ Asset Holdings,9/3
Malo ogulitsira Amayi ndi Pop Vapor, 9/8
Amayi Mkaka WTA,9/15
Mountain Oak Vapors, LLC, 9/8
Mountain Vaporz, 9/1
Bambo Salt-E LLC,9/15
Makampani a MV, 9/1
My Vape Order Inc., 9/8
Zoipa Padziko Lonse SDN BHD,9/7
New Orleans Cloud Alchemy, 9/15
Nikquid, 9/1
Northeast Vapor Supplies LLC,9/9
Kampani ya Northland Vapor, 9/17
Chikonga chamaliseche, 9/7
One Up Vapors LLC, 9/15
Oueis Gas Inc. dba Oasis Vape,9/10
Ovapes Ejuice LLC, 9/9
Kugawa kwa Paradigm, 9/15
Kugawa kwa Paradigm,9/10
Malingaliro a kampani Performance Plus Marketing Inc., 9/7
Pettee & D'Sylva Enterprises, LLC,9/13
Planet of the Vapes, 9/1
Pop Vapor Co LLC, 9/15
Pop Vapor Co LLC, 9/16
Prohibition Juice Co., 9/13
Propaganda E-Liquid LLC,9/8
Prophet Premium Blends, LLC,9/15
Puff Labs LLC, 9/14
Puff Labs, 9/9
Quad City Vapers Club, 9/7
Red Rock Vapor, 9/7
Redwood Ejuice LLC, 9/13
Zipolowe Labs, 9/9
Mitsinje Yakucha, 9/15
Rock Ridge Vapor LLC, 9/13
Royalty Premium E Juice,9/1
RP Nthunzi, 9/9
Malingaliro a kampani Ruthless Vapor Corporation, 9/16
SadBoy, 9/3
Seattle, 9/7
Security LLC, 9/8
Gulani Ma Vapes, 9/9
Kampani Yosavuta ya Vapor, 9/10
Mpweya Wamba, 9/10
Sir Vapes -A-Lot,9/1
Smax International LLC, 9/14
Kusuta Mopanda Utsi Inc., 9/9
South Coast Vapor Co., 9/9
Southwest Smokeless ,9/15
SS Vape Brands Inc. Dba Monster Vape Labs,8/31
SSY E-juisi,9/10
Stark Vapor LLC, 9/9
Malo Otsetsereka a Vape,9/8
SV Packaging LLC, 9/10
SWT Global Supply,8/31
SWT Global Supply,9/7
Tampa Vapor Inc., 9/10
Chokoma Cloud Vape Co. LLC,9/9
Chifunga Chokoma, 9/7
Chokoma Puff LLC, 9/14
Misozi Holdings, 9/14
Texas Select Ventures LLC dba Texas Select Vapor,9/14
Khola la Fodya ku Texas dba TXVape Barn, 9/8
The Ecig Caf� LLC, 9/9
The Michigan Juice Company LLC,9/8
The Vape Lounge, 9/15
Kambuku, 8/31
The Vapor Vendor LLC, 9/9
Zen Vaper E-Liquids LLC, 9/15
TPB International LLC, 9/14
Kampani ya Treehouse Vapor dba Flagship Vapor, 9/7
TrendSetters E-liquid LLC, 8/31
Zolengedwa Zowona za Labu, 9/10
TruVibe Inc. dba Vapor Station FDL,9/8
Turncoat Industries, 9/15
Twisted Tongue Inc.,9/13
UIS Manufacturing, LLC, 9/14
Underdog E-liquids LLC, 9/8
Union Street Brand, 9/15
Valley Vapors LLC, 9/8
Ntchito ya Vape, 9/9
Vape Crusaders Premium E-zamadzimadzi, 9/8
Vape Hut Inc., 9/13
Vape n Madzi, 9/16
Mtundu Wamtundu, 9/8
Pamwamba, 9/7
Mtundu wa Vaper, 9/9
VaperMate LLC, 9/15
Vapetasia LLC, 9/16
Mtsinje wa Vaping, 9/2
Vapor Bank E-madzimadzi, 9/10
Vapor Outlet ya Wyoming LLC dba Juicity Vapor,9/8
Mpweya Wowonjezera Chabwino, 9/7
Vapor Rage LLC, 9/8
Salon ya Nthunzi, 8/26
Mayankho a Vapor & Labs, 9/8
Malingaliro a kampani Vapor Source Inc., 9/3
Malo osungiramo mpweya, 9/9
Kuyimitsa kwa Nthunzi, 9/15
Vapor Trail LLC dba Mig Vapor, 9/8
Malingaliro a kampani Vapor Ventures Inc dba Innovated Vapors, 9/15
vaporized Inc., 9/8
Vapors of Ohio Inc. dba Nostalgic Vapes,9/1
Kugawa kwa VDX, 9/15
Chigamulo cha Nthunzi, 9/15
Vertigo Vapor, 9/8
Victory Liquid LLC, 9/10
Zosakaniza za VIM, 9/8
Vintage & Vapor Marketplace Inc., 9/17
Mpweya wa Viper, 9/3
Mpweya wa Viper, 9/3
Kutoleretsa VPR,9/8
VR Labs, 9/9
Wadina Distribution LLC DBA GOST Vapor,9/9
Malipiro & White Lion Investments dba Triton Distribution, 9/14
Walker Enterprises, 9/9
Warlock Vapes dba Zuluvapes,9/8
Kampani ya Wyoming Vapor, 9/3
Xtreme Nthunzi, 9/8
Yogi's Vape, 9/9
Yoshicon LLC dba Vapergate,9/13
Zen RVA LLC, 9/7
Nthawi yotumiza: Dec-06-2023