ionad taisbeanaidh vape acrylic
Tha an MDO ùr a’ riochdachadh timcheall air 100,000 toradh - cha mhòr a h-uile blas e-liquid ann am botail ach a-mhàin tombaca agus menthol.
Ged a thuirt an FDA gu bheil iad air 295 MDOn a chuir a-mach, chan eil ach 240 ainm air an liosta. Thuirt a’ bhuidheann nach do dh’ ainmich an neach-dèanamh na diùltadh a chuir toraidhean nach eil air a ’mhargaidh an-dràsta.
Tha an liosta ann an òrdugh na h-aibideil, agus tha ceann-latha sgaoilidh an MDO air a chomharrachadh air taobh deas gach ainm.
10 Làithean Inc. dba Pod Juice, 9/14
611 Vapes dba Erie Shore Vapors,9/16
7 Daze LLC, 9/8
Vape foirfe, 9/16
AAA Strate Vape, 9/10
Abomination LLP, 9/13
Absolute Vapor Lounge LLC, 9/10
ACH Group LLC dba Bom Bombz E-liquid, 9/15
Alasga Elixirs Vape LLC, 9/8
Buidheann Vapor Ameireaganach, 9/1
Vapor Ameireaganach Inc., 9/8
Apollo Future Technology Inc., 9/10
Arc LLC, 9/7
Buidheann Margaidheachd Ashlynn, 9/15
Faigh cothrom air Vapor LLC, 9/15
Vapor sauce uamhasach, 9/15
Axioco Corporation, 9/16
Baker White Inc., 9/10
Balboa, 9/7
Bang Bang Vapors LLC, 9/9
Companaidh Vape Beard, 9/16
Vapor Bidi, 9/7
Vapes Big Time, 8/30
BJC, 9/15
BMF Labs dba Bad modder Fogger LLC , 9/10
Bogart Enterprises LLC, 9/16
Bombies Inc., 9/8
Balbhaichean Boomtown, 9/8
Buckshot Vapors Inc., 9/1
E-Liquid air fhàs ann an California, 9/15
Cassadaga Liquids, LLC, 9/15
Bailtean meadhanach, 9/10
Bùth Vape an-asgaidh Cig, 9/15
CITTG dba Orgnx E Liquids, 9/1
Companaidh Obrachaidh Balbhaichean Ceò Cosmic LLC, 9/15
Creative Focus dba Red Devil Vapors, 9/7
Labs CRFT Tennessee LLC, 9/15
Bidh Custom Vapor Blends LLC, 9/7
Balbhaichean gnàthaichte, 8/31
Sùgh ceart, 9/3
Desert Vapors LLC, 9/13
Fiosrachadh mun chompanaidh DFW Vapor Holdings Inc., 9/8
Gaile daoimean, 9/1
Gaile ceannasach, 9/1
Gourmet Doomsday, 9/7
DR Distributors LLC, 9/17
Drippers Vape Shop LLC, 9/14
Drippers Vape Shop LLC, 9/10
E-Vapor Hut LLC, 9/9
Ecig Charleston LLC, 9/15
ECS Global, 9/10
Vapes Einstein, 9/10
Ejuice Blvd LLP, 9/15
Taigh Vapor Smoke Dealain, 9/8
Element E-Liquid LLC, 9/15
Bràithrean Elite, 9/15
A h-uile càil Vapor, 9/16
Feel Life Health Inc., 9/17
Flair Products, LLC, 9/10
Labs Flavor dba Mob Liquid Labs, 9/7
Fuma International LLC, 9/16
Fuma International LLC, 9/17
FUMA Vapor, Inc., 9/10
Fumee LLC, 9/14
Fumizer LLC, 9/9
Drawmen's Draw LLC, 9/7
Balbh Gotach, 8/31
Vapes Ameireaganach Mòr, 8/26
Gripum LLC, 9/8
Grove Inc., 9/15
Gundo Distro, 9/9
Heartlandvapes LLC, 9/17
Sùgh na Bò Naoimh, 9/13
HotSpot Caf� LLC dba VV-Juice, 9/8
Howard Enterprises, 9/16
Humble Juice Co., LLC, 9/15
Balbhaichean Ìmpireil, 9/1
Sùgh mì-chliùiteach, 9/15
Ùrnaigh, 9/15
J-Vapor LLC dba Vapor a’ Chladaich a Tuath, 8/31
Jaded Vapors LLC, 9/8
Jai Mundi, Inc. Kai's Virgin Vapor E-Liquid, 9/15
JD Nova Group LLC, 8/26
JDvapour LLC, 9/8
JMJL Cruinne, 9/8
Johnny Copper, 9/7
JT Wood Investments LLC dba Vape It, 9/10
Juice Guys Distribution LLC, 9/9
Sùgh Roll Upz Inc., 9/8
Jungle Nation, 9/15
Jvapes LLC, 9/9
K&C Aitken, LLC Dba Elysian Labs, 9/16
Gabhaltas Kinghorn, 9/9
Iomairtean KJJ, 9/9
Kloc Vapor LLC dba The Vapor Edge, 9/8
Vapor Lady Boss, 9/8
LAS Ventures Earranta, 9/15
Lazarus Vintage Corporation, 9/8
Dealbhaidhean LDP LLC, 9/14
Air a stiùireadh le Sales LLC dba White Cloud Cigarettes, 9/14
LeCig Enterprises Inc., 9/15
Liquid Art Inc., 9/10
Liquid Nics LLC, 9/3
Teicneòlasan Vaping Lotus, 9/17
Loveli Design LLC dba Alice ann an Vapeland, 9/1
LXJ LLC, 9/13
Magellan Technology Inc., 9/8
Malicious Liquids Inc, 9/8
Teicneòlas Marina LLC, 9/7
Companaidh Steam Marlin, LLC, 9/14
Inntinn Matrix, 9/8
MH Global LLC dba Steamline Vape Co. LLC, 9/16
Midas Vape LLC, 9/8
Solar Vape Midwest, 9/1
Balbhaichean cumhachdach, 9/15
Millennial One Inc. dba The Finest E-Liquid ,9/2
Mister-E-Liquid LLC, 9/16
Mix Masters Inc., 9/10
MJ Asset Holdings, 9/3
Bùth Mam is Pop Vapor, 9/8
Bainne Màthraichean WTA, 9/15
Balbhaichean Mountain Oak, LLC, 9/8
Vaporz beinne, 9/1
Mgr Salt-E LLC, 9/15
Iomairtean MV, 9/1
My Vape Order Inc., 9/8
SDN BHD air feadh an t-saoghail, 9/7
Alchemy Cloud New Orleans, 9/15
NicCuid, 9/1
Ear-thuath Vapor Supplies LLC, 9/9
Companaidh Vapor a Tuath, 9/17
Nicotine rùisgte, 9/7
One Up Vapors LLC, 9/15
Oueis Gas Inc. dba Oasis Vape, 9/10
Ovapes Ejuice LLC, 9/9
Sgaoileadh Paradigm, 9/15
Sgaoileadh Paradigm, 9/10
Margaideachd Coileanaidh Plus Inc., 9/7
Pettee & D'Sylva Enterprises, LLC, 9/13
Planet of the Vapes, 9/1
Pop Vapor Co LLC, 9/15
Pop Vapor Co LLC, 9/16
Toirmeasg sùgh Co.,9/13
Propaganda E-Liquid LLC, 9/8
Prophet Premium Blends, LLC, 9/15
Puff Labs LLC, 9/14
Labs Puff, 9/9
Club Vapers Quad City, 9/7
Vapour na Creige Deirge, 9/7
Redwood Ejuice LLC, 9/13
Labs Aimhreit, 9/9
Vapes aibidh, 9/15
Rock Ridge Vapor LLC, 9/13
Sùgh Royalty Premium E, 9/1
Balbhaichean RP, 9/9
Corporra vapor Ruthless, 9/16
Bòidheach, 9/3
Seattle, 9/7
Tèarainteachd LLC, 9/8
Bùth Vapes, 9/9
Companaidh vapor sìmplidh, 9/10
Gu sìmplidh Vapour, 9/10
Sir Vapes -A-Lot, 9/1
Smax International LLC, 9/14
Smocadh gun Smàl Inc., 9/9
South Coast Vapor Co., 9/9
Iar-dheas Gun smoc, 9/15
SS Vape Brands Inc. Dba Monster Vape Labs, 8/31
Ssy E-sùgh, 9/10
Stark Vapor LLC, 9/9
Solarachadh Vape le leathad cas, 9/8
SV Packaging LLC, 9/10
Solarachadh cruinne SWT, 8/31
Solarachadh cruinne SWT, 9/7
Tampa Vapor Inc., 9/10
Tasty Cloud Vape Co. LLC, 9/9
Haze bhlasta, 9/7
Blasta Puff LLC, 9/14
Teardrip Holdings, 9/14
Texas Select Ventures LLC dba Texas Select Vapor, 9/14
Texas Tobacco Barn dba TXVape Barn, 9/8
An Ecig Caf� LLC, 9/9
The Michigan Juice Company LLC, 9/8
An Seòmar-suidhe Vape, 9/15
An Tìgear Vaping, 8/31
An Neach-reic Vapor LLC, 9/9
An Zen Vaper E-Liquids LLC, 9/15
TPB International LLC, 9/14
Treehouse Vapor Company dba Flagship Vapor, 9/7
TrendSetters E-liquid LLC, 8/31
Fìor Chruthachaidhean Lab, 9/10
TruVibe Inc. dba Stèisean Vapor FDL, 9/8
Gnìomhachasan Turncoat, 9/15
Twisted Tongue Inc., 9/13
UIS Manufacturing, LLC, 9/14
Underdog E-liquids LLC, 9/8
Brand Sràid an Aonaidh, 9/15
Valley Vapors LLC, 9/8
Ceàird Vape, 9/9
E-liquids Premium Vape Crusaders, 9/8
Vape Hut Inc., 9/13
Vape n Juice, 9/16
Vape de sheòrsa, 9/8
Vape On, 9/7
Ginealach Vaper, 9/9
VaperMate LLC, 9/15
Vapetasia LLC, 9/16
Vaping Oasis, 9/2
E-liquid Vapor Bank, 9/10
Ar-a-mach vapor de Wyoming LLC dba Juicity Vapor, 9/8
Vapor Plus ceart gu leòr, 9/7
Vapor Rage LLC, 9/8
Salon Vapor, 8/26
Vapor Solutions & Labs, 9/8
Stòr Vapor Inc., 9/3
Seòmar-stoc vapor, 9/9
Stad vapor, 9/15
Vapor Trail LLC dba Mig Vapor, 9/8
Vapor Ventures Inc dba Balbhaichean Ùra, 9/15
Vaporized Inc., 9/8
Vapors of Ohio Inc. dba Nostalgic Vapes, 9/1
Sgaoileadh VDX, 9/15
Balbhaichean breitheanais, 9/15
Vapor Vertigo, 9/8
Victory Liquid LLC, 9/10
Measgachadh VIM, 9/8
Àite margaidh VintageVapor Inc., 9/17
Vaporr Viper, 9/3
Vaporr Viper, 9/3
Cruinneachadh VPR, 9/8
VR Labs, 9/9
Wadina Distribution LLC DBA GOST Vapor, 9/9
Tuarastalan White Lion Investments dba Triton Distribution, 9/14
Iomairtean Walker, 9/9
Warlock Vapes dba Zuluvapes, 9/8
Companaidh Vapor Wyoming, 9/3
Balbhaichean Xtreme, 9/8
Vape Yogi, 9/9
Yoshicon LLC dba Vapergate, 9/13
Zen RVA LLC, 9/7
Ùine puist: Dùbhlachd-06-2023