akryyli vape-näyttöteline
Uusi MDO edustaa noin 100 000 tuotetta - lähes kaikkia pullotettuja e-nestemakuja tupakkaa ja mentolia lukuun ottamatta.
Vaikka FDA ilmoitti, että se on antanut 295 MDO:ta, luettelo sisältää vain 240 nimeä. Virasto sanoi, että valmistaja ei nimennyt niiden tuotteiden kieltämistä, jotka eivät tällä hetkellä ole markkinoilla.
Luettelo on järjestetty aakkosjärjestykseen, ja MDO:n julkaisupäivä on merkitty kunkin nimen oikealle puolelle.
10 Days Inc. dba Pod Juice, 14.9
611 Vapes dba Erie Shore Vapors, 9/16
7 Daze LLC, 9/8
Täydellinen vape, 16.9
AAA Strate Vape, 9/10
Kauhistus LLP, 9/13
Absolute Vapor Lounge LLC, 9/10
ACH Group LLC dba Bomb Bombz E-neste, 9/15
Alaska Elixirs Vape LLC, 9/8
American Vapor Group, 9/1
American Vapor Inc., 8.9
Apollo Future Technology Inc., 9/10
Arc LLC, 9/7
Ashlynn Marketing Group, 15.9
Avail Vapor LLC, 15.9
Mahtavaa kastikehöyryä, 15.9
Axioco Corporation, 16.9
Baker White Inc., 9/10
Balboa, 9/7
Bang Bang Vapors LLC, 9/9
Beard Vape Company, 16.9
Bidi Vapor, 9/7
Big Time Vapes, 30.8
BJC, 9/15
BMF Labs dba Bad Modder Fogger LLC, 9/10
Bogart Enterprises LLC, 16.9
Bombies Inc., 8.9
Boomtown Vapors, 9/8
Buckshot Vapors Inc., 9/1
California Grown E-Liquid, 15.9
Cassadaga Liquids, LLC, 9/15
Central Vapors, 9/10
Cig Free Vape Shop, 15.9
CITTG dba Orgnx E Liquids, 9/1
Cosmic Fog Vapors Operating Company LLC, 9/15
Creative Focus dba Red Devil Vapors, 9/7
CRFT Labs Tennessee LLC, 9/15
Custom Vapor Blends LLC, 9/7
Custom Vapors, 31.8
Ihmisarvoinen mehu, 9/3
Desert Vapors LLC, 9/13
DFW Vapor Holdings Inc., 9/8
Diamond Vapor, 9/1
Dominant Vapor, 9/1
Doomsday Gourmet, 7.9
DR Distributors LLC, 9/17
Drippers Vape Shop LLC, 14.9
Drippers Vape Shop LLC, 9/10
E-Vapor Hut LLC, 9/9
Ecig Charleston LLC, 9/15
ECS Global, 9/10
Einstein Vapes, 9/10
Ejuice Blvd LLP, 9/15
Electric Smoke Vapor House, 9/8
Element E-Liquid LLC, 9/15
Elite Brothers, 15.9
Kaikki Vapor, 16.9
Feel Life Health Inc., 17.9
Flair Products, LLC, 9/10
Flavor Labs dba Mob Liquid Labs, 9/7
Fuma International LLC, 9/16
Fuma International LLC, 17.9
FUMA Vapor, Inc., 9/10
Fumee LLC, 9/14
Fumizer LLC, 9/9
Gentlemen's Draw LLC, 9/7
Gothic Vapor, 31.8
Great American Vapes, 26.8
Gripum LLC, 9/8
Grove Inc., 15.9
Gundo Distro, 9.9
Heartlandvapes LLC, 17.9
Pyhän lehmän mehu, 9/13
HotSpot Caf� LLC dba VV-Juice, 9/8
Howard Enterprises, 16.9
Humble Juice Co., LLC, 9/15
Imperial Vapors, 9/1
Surullisen E-mehu, 15.9
Innevape, 15.9
J-Vapor LLC dba North Shore Vapor, 8/31
Jaded Vapors LLC, 9/8
Jai Mundi, Inc. Kai's Virgin Vapor E-Liquid, 15.9
JD Nova Group LLC, 8/26
JDvapour LLC, 9/8
JMJL Global, 8.9
Johnny Copper, 7.9
JT Wood Investments LLC dba Vape It, 9/10
Juice Guys Distribution LLC, 9/9
Juice Roll Upz Inc., 9/8
Jungle Nation, 15.9
Jvapes LLC, 9/9
K&C Aitken, LLC Dba Elysian Labs, 16.9
Kinghorn Holding, 9/9
KJJ Enterprises, 9/9
Kloc Vapor LLC dba The Vapor Edge, 9/8
Lady Boss Vapor, 9/8
LAS Ventures Limited, 15.9
Lazarus Vintage Corporation, 8.9
LDP Designs LLC, 9/14
Johtaja Sales LLC dba White Cloud Cigarettes, 14.9
LeCig Enterprises Inc., 15.9
Liquid Art Inc., 9/10
Liquid Nics LLC, 9/3
Lotus Vaping Technologies, 17.9
Loveli Design LLC dba Alice in Vapeland, 9/1
LXJ LLC, 9/13
Magellan Technology Inc., 8.9
Mallicious Liquids Inc, 8.9
Marina Technology LLC, 9/7
Marlin Steam Company, LLC, 14.9
Matrix Minds, 8.9
MH Global LLC dba Steamline Vape Co. LLC, 9/16
Midas Vape LLC, 9/8
Midwest Vape Supply, 9/1
Mighty Vapors, 15.9
Millennial One Inc. dba The Finest E-Liquid ,9/2
Mister-E-Liquid LLC, 9/16
Mix Masters Inc., 9/10
MJ Asset Holdings, 9/3
Äiti ja Pop Vapor Shop, 8.9
Äidinmaito WTA, 9/15
Mountain Oak Vapors, LLC, 9/8
Vuori Vaporz, 9/1
Mr. Salt-E LLC, 9/15
MV Enterprises, 9/1
My Vape Order Inc., 8.9
Nasty Worldwide SDN BHD, 9/7
New Orleans Cloud Alchemy, 15.9
Nicquid, 9/1
Northeast Vapor Supplies LLC, 9/9
Northland Vapor Company, 17.9
Nude Nikotiini, 9/7
One Up Vapors LLC, 9/15
Oueis Gas Inc. dba Oasis Vape, 9/10
Ovapes Ejuice LLC, 9/9
Paradigman jakelu ,9/15
Paradigman jakelu, 9/10
Performance Plus Marketing Inc., 9.7
Pettee & D'Sylva Enterprises, LLC, 9/13
Vapesin planeetta, 1.9
Pop Vapor Co LLC, 15.9
Pop Vapor Co LLC, 16.9
Prohibition Juice Co., 9/13
Propaganda E-Liquid LLC, 9/8
Prophet Premium Blends, LLC, 9/15
Puff Labs LLC, 14.9
Puff Labs, 9.9
Quad City Vapers Club, 7.9
Red Rock Vapor, 9/7
Redwood Ejuice LLC, 9/13
Riot Labs, 9.9
Kypsät vapeet, 15.9
Rock Ridge Vapor LLC, 9/13
Royalty Premium E -mehu, 9/1
RP Vapors, 9/9
Ruthless Vapor Corporation, 16.9
SadBoy, 9/3
Seattle, 9.7
Securience LLC, 9/8
Kauppa Vapes, 9.9
Simple Vapor Company, 9/10
Yksinkertaisesti Vapour, 9/10
Sir Vapes -A-Lot, 9/1
Smax International LLC, 9/14
Smokeless Smoking Inc., 9.9
South Coast Vapor Co., 9.9
Southwest Smokeless ,9/15
SS Vape Brands Inc. Dba Monster Vape Labs, 31.8
SSY E-mehu, 9/10
Stark Vapor LLC, 9/9
Jyrkän rinteen vapalähde, 9/8
SV Packaging LLC, 9/10
SWT Global Supply, 31.8
SWT Global Supply, 9.7
Tampa Vapor Inc., 9/10
Tasty Cloud Vape Co. LLC, 9.9
Tasty Haze, 9/7
Tasty Puff LLC, 14.9
Teardrip Holdings, 9/14
Texas Select Ventures LLC dba Texas Select Vapor, 9/14
Texas Tobacco Barn dba TXVape Barn, 9/8
The Ecig Caf� LLC, 9/9
The Michigan Juice Company LLC, 9/8
Vape Lounge, 15.9
Vaping Tiger, 31.8
The Vapor Vendor LLC, 9/9
Zen Vaper E-Liquids LLC, 9/15
TPB International LLC, 9/14
Treehouse Vapor Company dba Flagship Vapor, 9/7
TrendSetters E-liquid LLC, 8/31
True Lab Creations, 9/10
TruVibe Inc. dba Vapor Station FDL,9/8
Turncoat Industries, 15.9
Twisted Tongue Inc., 9/13
UIS Manufacturing, LLC, 9/14
Underdog E-liquids LLC, 9/8
Union Street Brand, 15.9
Valley Vapors LLC, 9/8
Vape Craft, 9.9
Vape Crusaders Premium E-nesteet, 9/8
Vape Hut Inc., 13.9
Vape n Juice, 16.9
Laadukas vape, 9/8
Vape On, 9.7
Vaper Generation, 9/9
VaperMate LLC, 9/15
Vapetasia LLC, 16.9
Vaping Oasis, 2.9
Vapor Bank E-neste, 9/10
Vapor Outlet of Wyoming LLC dba Juicity Vapor, 9/8
Vapor Plus OK, 9/7
Vapor Rage LLC, 9/8
Vapor Salon, 26.8
Vapor Solutions & Labs, 8.9
Vapor Source Inc., 9/3
Höyryvarasto, 9/9
Vapor Stop, 15.9
Vapor Trail LLC dba Mig Vapor,9/8
Vapor Ventures Inc dba Innovated Vapors, 9/15
Vaporized Inc., 8.9
Vapors of Ohio Inc. dba Nostalgic Vapes, 9/1
VDX-jakelu, 9/15
Tuomio Vapors, 9/15
Vertigo Vapor, 9/8
Victory Liquid LLC, 9/10
VIM-sekoitukset, 9/8
Vintage & Vapor Marketplace Inc., 17.9
Viper Vapor, 9/3
Viper Vapor, 9/3
VPR Collection, 9/8
VR Labs, 9.9
Wadina Distribution LLC DBA GOST Vapor, 9/9
Palkat & White Lion Investments dba Triton Distribution, 9/14
Walker Enterprises, 9.9
Warlock Vapes dba Zuluvapes, 9/8
Wyoming Vapor Company, 9/3
Xtreme Vapors, 9/8
Yogin vape, 9.9
Yoshicon LLC dba Vapergate, 9/13
Zen RVA LLC, 9/7
Postitusaika: 06.12.2023